Regulations of the online store

§ 1

Preliminary provisions

  1. Sklep Internetowydostępny pod adresem internetowym prowadzony jest przez Małgorzatę Lechów pod firmą Narny.Studio Małgorzata Lechów, ul. Mieczykowa 51, Zielona Góra 65-012, NIP 9292067204 wpisaną do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej prowadzonej przez ministra właściwego do spraw gospodarki, posiadającą: adres miejsca wykonywania działalności i do doręczeń: Mieczykowa 51, Zielona Góra 65-012, adres poczty elektronicznej: [email protected].
  2. These Regulations are addressed both to consumers and to entrepreneurs using the Online Store, unless a given provision of the Regulations provides otherwise and is directed only to consumers or businesses.
  3. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations is the Service Provider. Personal data are processed for purposes within the scope and on the basis of the principles set out in the Regulations of the Online Store and Privacy Policy. Providing personal information is voluntary. Each person whose personal data is processed by the Service Provider has the right to inspect their content and the right to update and correct them.

§ 2


  1. Consumer - a natural person concluding a contract with the Seller as part of the Store, the subject of which is not directly related to its business or professional activity.
  2. Sprzedawca – osoba fizyczna prowadząca działalność gospodarczą pod firmą Narny.Studio Małgorzata Lechów, ul. Mieczykowa 51, Zielona Góra 65-012, NIP 9292067204 , wpisaną do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej (CEIDG) prowadzonej przez ministra właściwego ds. gospodarki,
  3. Client - any entity making purchases through the Store.
  4. Entrepreneur - a natural person, a legal person and an organizational unit that is not a legal person, the separate law of which grants legal capacity, performs in its own name an economic activity that uses the Store.
  5. Shop - online store run by the Seller at the address
  6. Contract concluded at a distance - an agreement concluded with the Customer as part of an organized system of concluding distance contracts (as part of the Store), without simultaneous physical presence of parties, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to the conclusion of the contract, inclusive.
  7. Regulations - these Regulations of the Store.
  8. Order - Customer's declaration of intent submitted via the Order Form and aiming directly at concluding a Product Sales Agreement or Products with the Seller.
  9. Account - customer account in the Store, it contains data provided by the customer and information about orders placed by him in the store.
  10. Registration form - a form available in the Store, enabling the creation of an Account.
  11. Order form - an interactive form available in the Store that allows placing an Order, in particular by adding Products to the Basket and defining the terms of the Sales Agreement, including the method of delivery and payment.
  12. Shopping Cart - an element of the Store's software in which the Products selected for purchase are displayed by the Customer, and it is also possible to set and modify the Order data, in particular the quantity of products.
  13. Product - a movable item available in the Store / a service being the subject of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller.
  14. Sales Agreement - Product sales contract concluded or concluded between the Customer and the Seller via the Online Store. The Sale Agreement also means - applying to the Product features - a contract for the provision of services and a contract for specific work.

§ 3

Contact with the store

  1. Seller's address: Mieczykowa 51, Zielona Góra 65-012
  2. Seller's e-mail address: [email protected]
  3. The customer may communicate with the Seller using the addresses provided in this paragraph.

§ 4

Technical requirements

To use the Store, including viewing the Store's assortment and placing orders for Products, you will need:

  1. devices with access to the Internet and a web browser
  2. active e-mail account (e-mail),
  3. enabled cookies service,


General information

  1. The Seller, in the widest extent permitted by law, is not liable for any disruptions to this interruption in the functioning of the Store caused by force majeure, unlawful activities of third parties or incompatibility of the Online Store with the Customer's technical infrastructure.
  2. Browsing the Store's assortment does not require creating an Account. Placing orders by the Customer for Products in the Store's assortment is possible by providing the necessary personal and address data enabling the Order to be completed without creating an Account.
  3. Ceny podane w Sklepie są podane w polskich złotych i są cenami brutto (są zwolnione z podatku VAT).
  4. The final (final) amount to be paid by the Customer consists of the price for the Product and the cost of delivery (including fees for transport, delivery and postal services), about which the Customer is informed on the Store's pages when placing orders, including when expressing he prefers to be bound by the Sales Agreement.

§ 6

The rules for placing orders

In order to place an Order:

  1. choose the Product that is the subject of the Order and then click "buy now"
  2. wypełnić Formularz zamówienia poprzez wpisanie danych odbiorcy Zamówienia oraz adresu, na który ma nastąpić dostawa Produktu, wybrać rodzaj przesyłki (sposób dostarczenia Produktu), wpisać dane do faktury, jeśli są inne niż dane odbiorcy Zamówienia,
  3. click the "Order and pay" button
  4. choose one of the available payment methods and depending on the method of payment, pay for the order within a specified period, subject to § 8 point 3.

§ 7

Offered delivery methods and payments

1. Klient może skorzystać z następujących metod dostawy zamówionego Produktu:

  • Przesyłka kurierska Inpost, Paczkomaty Inpost
  • Przesyłka kurierska za granicę

a) Płatności elektroniczne za pośrednictwem Blue Media (Podmiotem świadczącym obsługę płatności online jest Blue Media S.A.)

Dostępne formy płatności:

Karty płatnicze:

  • Visa
  • Visa Electron
  • Mastercard
  • MasterCard Electronic
  • Maestro
W przypadku wystąpienia konieczności zwrotu środków za transakcję dokonaną przez klienta kartą płatniczą sprzedający dokonana zwrotu na rachunek bankowy przypisany do karty płatniczej Zamawiającego.

b) Płatność elektroniczna kartą płatniczą za pośrednictwem Stripe


Szczegółowe informacje na temat metod dostawy oraz akceptowanych metod płatności znajdują się na stronie zamówienia.



Execution of a sales contract

  1. Zawarcie Umowy Sprzedaży między Klientem a Sprzedawcą następuje po uprzednim złożeniu przez Klienta Zamówienia za pomocą Formularza zamówienia w Sklepie internetowym zgodnie z § 6 Regulaminu.
  2. Po złożeniu Zamówienia Sprzedawca niezwłocznie potwierdza jego otrzymanie. Czas realizacji zamówienia jest liczony od momentu uzyskania pozytywnej autoryzacji płatności.

     Potwierdzenie otrzymania Zamówienia i jego przyjęcie do realizacji następuje poprzez przesłanie przez Sprzedawcę Klientowi stosownej wiadomości e-mail na podany w trakcie składania Zamówienia adres poczty elektronicznej Klienta, która zawiera co najmniej oświadczenia Sprzedawcy o otrzymaniu Zamówienia i o jego przyjęciu do realizacji oraz potwierdzenie zawarcia Umowy Sprzedaży. Z chwilą otrzymania przez Klienta powyższej wiadomości e-mail zostaje zawarta Umowa Sprzedaży między Klientem a Sprzedawcą.
  3. Produkt zostanie wysłany przez Sprzedawcę w terminie wskazanym w jego opisie (z zastrzeżeniem ustępu 5 niniejszego paragrafu), w sposób wybrany przez Klienta podczas składania Zamówienia.
  • W przypadku zamówienia Produktów o różnych terminach dostawy, terminem dostawy jest najdłuższy podany termin.
  • W przypadku zamówienia Produktów o różnych terminach dostawy, Klient ma możliwość żądania dostarczenia Produktów częściami lub też dostarczenia wszystkich Produktów po skompletowaniu całego zamówienia.
  1. The beginning of the delivery of the Product to the Customer is counted from the date of receipt of the order.
  2. Product delivery takes place in Europe
  3. The delivery of the Product to the Customer is payable, unless the Sales Agreement provides otherwise. Product delivery costs (including transport, delivery and postal fees) are indicated to the Customer on the Online Store pages in the "Delivery costs" tab and during the Order placement, including when the Customer wishes to be bound by the Sales Agreement.

§ 9

The right to withdraw from the contract

Dokładne informacje znajdziesz w Regulaminie Zwrotów i Reklamacji

§ 10

Complaint and warranty

Dokładne informacje znajdziesz w Regulaminie Zwrotów i Reklamacji

§ 11

Out-of-court ways to handle complaints and redress

  1. Detailed information on the Consumer's possibilities of out-of-court settlement of complaints and rules of access to these procedures is available at the offices and on the websites of district (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorate Inspectorates Handlowa and the following Internet addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:; and
  2. The consumer has the following exemplary possibilities to use extrajudicial ways to handle complaints and redress:
  1. The consumer is entitled to apply to the permanent amicable consumer court, referred to in art. 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on the Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws from 2014, item 148, as amended), with a request to settle a dispute arising from the Contract concluded with the Seller.
  2. The consumer is entitled to apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection, pursuant to art. 36 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on the Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws from 2014, item 148, as amended), with a request to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller.
  3. The consumer can get free assistance in settling the dispute between him and the Seller, also using the free help of the poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsman or social organization, whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (including the Consumer Federation, Association of Polish Consumers).

§ 13

Personal data in the Online Store


You can find detailed information in Privacy Policy.

  1. The administrator of personal data of Customers collected via the Online Store is the Seller.
  2. Customers' personal data collected by the administrator via the Online Store is collected in order to implement the Sales Agreement, and if the Customer agrees - also for marketing purposes.
  3. The recipients of personal data of the Online Store customers may be:
  1. In the case of a Customer who uses the Online Store with the courier delivery method, the Administrator provides the Customer's personal data collected to a selected carrier or intermediary performing the shipment at the request of the Administrator.
  2. In the case of a Customer who uses the Online Store with the method of electronic payments or with a payment card, the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected entity servicing the above payments in the Online Store.
  1. The customer has the right to access their data and correct them.
  2. Providing personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide the personal data specified in the Regulations necessary to conclude a Sales Agreement results in the inability to conclude this contract.

§ 14

Final Provisions

  1. Agreements concluded via the Online Store are concluded in Polish.
  2. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations for important reasons, it is: changes in the law, changes in methods of payment and delivery - to the extent to which these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations. The Seller shall inform the Customer about each change at least 7 days in advance.
  3. In matters not covered by these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular: the Civil Code; Act on the provision of electronic services; Consumer Rights Act, the Act on the Protection of Personal Data.
  4. The customer has the right to use extrajudicial means of dealing with complaints and redress. To this end, it may lodge a complaint via the EU ODR online platform at:





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