Privacy policy and cookies

If you came here, it is a reliable sign that you value your privacy. We understand this perfectly, that's why we have prepared this document for you, in which you will find the rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies in connection with the use of the website

Informacja formalna na początek – administratorem strony jest Małgorzata Lechów pod firmą Narny.Studio Małgorzata Lechów, ul. Mieczykowa 51, Zielona Góra 65-012, NIP 9292067204.

In case of any doubts related to the privacy policy, you can contact us at any time by sending a message to the e-mail address: [email protected]

Short version - the most important information

We care about your privacy, but also about your time. That's why we've prepared an abridged version of the most important privacy principles for you.

  • By placing an order, subscribing to the newsletter, submitting a complaint, withdrawing from the contract or simply contacting us, you provide us with your personal data and we guarantee that your data will remain confidential, secure and will not be made available to any third parties without your express consent.
  • We entrust the processing of personal data only to verified and trusted entities providing services related to the processing of personal data.
  • We use Google Analytics analytical tools that collect information about your website visits, such as the subpages that you have viewed, the time you spent on the website, and the transitions between individual subpages. For this purpose, Google LLC cookies are used for the Google Analytics service. As part of the mechanism for managing cookie settings, you have the option of deciding whether we will be able to use marketing functions as part of Google Analytics or not.
  • We use marketing tools, such as Facebook Pixel, to target you ads. This is related to the use of Facebook cookies. As part of the cookie settings, you can decide if you agree to use Pixel Facebook in your case or not.
  • We use Google AdWords remarketing tools. This involves the use of Google LLC cookies for the Google AdWords service. As part of the cookie settings management mechanism, you have the option of deciding whether we will be able to use Google AdWords in your case or not.
  • We embed the video from YouTube on the site. When you play such recordings, Google LLC cookies are used for the YouTube service.
  • We use the HotJar tool, which allows us to track your behavior on the website. For this purpose, HotJar cookies are used. As part of the cookie settings, you can decide whether you agree to our use of tracking using HotJar in your case or not.
  • We provide the opportunity to use social functions, such as sharing content on social networks and subscribing to a social profile. The use of these functions involves the use of cookies for social network administrators such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIN.
  • We use our own cookies for the proper operation of the site.

If the above information is not enough for you, you will find further details below. 


Personal data

administrator Twoich danych osobowych w rozumieniu przepisów o ochronie danych osobowych jest Małgorzata Lechów pod firmą Narny.Studio Małgorzata Lechów, ul. Mieczykowa 51, Zielona Góra 65-012, NIP 9292067204., e-mail: [email protected].

Goals, legal bases and the period of personal data processing they are indicated separately for each purpose of data processing (see: description of individual purposes of processing personal data below).


The RODO grants you the following potential rights related to the processing of your personal data:

  1. the right to access personal data,
  2. the right to rectify personal data,
  3. the right to delete personal data,
  4. the right to limit the processing of personal data,
  5. the right to object to the processing of personal data,
  6. the right to transfer data,
  7. the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body,
  8. the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, if you have given your consent.

The rules related to the implementation of the indicated powers are described in detail in art. 16 - 21 RHODES. We encourage you to read these regulations. For our part, we consider it necessary to explain to you that the above-mentioned rights are not absolute and you will not be entitled to any processing of your personal data. For your convenience, we have made every effort to indicate the rights to which you are entitled as part of the description of individual data processing operations.

We emphasize that you always have one of the rights indicated above - if you think that we have violated the provisions on the protection of personal data when processing your personal data, you have the possibility to file a complaint with the supervisory body (President of the Office of Personal Data Protection).

You can also always ask us to provide you with information about what data we have about you and for what purposes we process it. All you have to do is send a message to the address [email protected]. However, we have made every effort to ensure that the information you are interested in is comprehensively presented in this privacy policy. You can also use the e-mail address given above if you have any questions related to the processing of your personal data.


We guarantee the confidentiality of all personal data provided to us. We ensure that all security measures and personal data protection required by the personal data protection regulations are taken. Personal data is collected with due diligence and properly protected against access by unauthorized persons.

List of assignments.

We entrust the processing of personal data to the following entities:

  • ADMIN.NET.PL Tomasz Rzepka Arkadiusz Nowara SC - in order to store personal data on the server,
  • In short, a new entity - in order to use the mailing system in which your data is processed, if you subscribed to the newsletter,
  • inFakt Sp. z o.o. – w celu korzystania z usług księgowych, które wiążą się z przetwarzaniem Twoich danych wtedy, gdy wystawiamy dla Ciebie fakturę,
  • Apaczka – w celu realizacji przesyłki zamówionego produktu przetwarzane są Twoje dane adresowe i kontaktowe za pośrednictwem jednej z firm kurierskich w systemie Apaczka.
  • Blue Media oraz Stripe – operatorzy systemu płatności, zapewniający obsługę płatności, zwrotu środków pieniężnych (pobrań).

All entities entrusted with the processing of personal data guarantee the use of appropriate security measures and the security of personal data required by law.

Objectives and processing activities


When placing an order, you must provide the data necessary to process the order, i.e. name, billing address, delivery address, e-mail address, telephone number. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to place an order.

The data provided to us in connection with the order is processed for the purpose of the contract (Article 6 (1) b), invoice (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR), invoice included in our accounting documentation (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR) and for archival and statistical purposes (Article 6 (1) (f) of the Rural Development Law).

Data contained in the order placed via the store are processed as part of the Woocommerce system and stored on a server provided by ADMIN.NET.PL Tomasz Rzepka Arkadiusz Nowara SC

We will also store comments and opinions if you choose to write them.

Who from our team has access

Członkowie naszego zespołu mają dostęp do informacji, które nam podajesz. Tylko Administrator (Małgorzata Lechów) i manager sklepu (Andrzej Lechów) mają dostęp do:

  • Details of orders, such as purchased items, date of order, shipping address
  • Customer information, such as your name, email address and invoicing and shipping information.

    Our team has access to this information to handle orders, returns and offer support.


Podmiotem świadczącym obsługę płatności online jest Blue Media S.A., oraz Stripe – są to operatorzy systemu płatności, zapewniający obsługę płatności, zwrotu środków pieniężnych (pobrań).

When processing your payment, some of your data will be transferred to this company, including information required to process or handle payments, such as order value and billing information.


Każde zamówienie dokumentowane jest fakturą. Faktury wystawiane są z wykorzystaniem systemu Woocommerce. Faktura przekazywane są do biura rachunkowego “Infakt” poprzez system „BaseLinker”.  

Orders are also registered in our internal database for archival and statistical purposes. 

Data on orders will be processed for the time necessary to perform the contract, and then until the expiry of the period of limitation of claims under the contract. In addition, after this date, the data may still be processed by us for statistical purposes. Remember also that we have an obligation to store invoices with your personal data for a period of 5 years from the end of the tax year in which the tax obligation arose. 

In the case of order data, you can not rectify this data after completing the order. You also can not object to the processing of data and require the deletion of data until the expiry of the period of limitation of claims under the contract. Similarly, you can not object to the processing of data and request removal of data contained in invoices. After the expiry of the limitation period for claims under the contract, you can be opposed to processing your data for statistical purposes, as well as to request removal of your data from our database. 

In relation to the data about orders, you also have the right to transfer data referred to in art. 20 RHODE. 

Newsletter (in the future). 

If you want to subscribe to the newsletter, you must give us your e-mail address via the subscription form to the newsletter. 

The data provided to us when subscribing to the newsletter is used to send you a newsletter, and the legal basis for their processing is your consent (Article 6 (1) letter and RODO) expressed when you subscribe to the newsletter. 

The data is processed as part of a mailing system and stored on a server provided by

The data will be processed for the duration of the newsletter operation, unless you cancel your receipt earlier, which will delete your data from the database. 

At any time, you can correct your data stored in the newsletter database, as well as request their removal, giving up receiving the newsletter. You also have the right to transfer the data referred to in art. 20 RHODE. 

Complaints and withdrawal from the contract. 

If you make a complaint or withdraw from the contract, you provide us with personal data contained in the content of the complaint or a statement of withdrawal, which includes your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, bank account number. 

The data provided to us in connection with the submission of a complaint or withdrawal from the contract are used to carry out the complaint procedure or the procedure for withdrawing from the contract (Article 6 (1) (c) of the RODO). 

The data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the complaint procedure or the withdrawal procedure. Complaints and statements about withdrawal from the contract may also be archived for statistical purposes. 

In the case of data contained in complaints and declarations of withdrawal from the contract, you can not rectify this data. You also can not object to the processing of data and require the deletion of data until the expiry of the period of limitation of claims under the contract. After the expiration of the limitation period for claims under the contract you can, however, oppose the processing of your data for statistical purposes, as well as request removal of your data from our database. 

E-mail contact. 

By contacting us via e-mail, including by sending an inquiry via the contact form, you naturally provide us with your e-mail address as the sender's address. In addition, you can also include other personal information in the body of the message. 

Your data is processed in this case in order to contact you, and the basis for processing is art. 6 par. 1 lit. a RODO, or your consent resulting from initiating contact with us. The legal basis for processing after the end of contact is the justified purpose of archiving correspondence for internal needs (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR). 

The content of the correspondence can be archived and we can not clearly determine when it will be deleted. You have the right to demand a record of the history of correspondence that you carried out with us (if it was subject to archiving), as well as request its removal, unless its archiving is justified due to our overriding interests, eg defense against potential claims on your part. 

Cookie files and other tracking technologies

Co to są pliki cookie?
Jak używamy plików cookie?
Jakich Cookie uzywamy?
Zaradzaj plikami Cookie
Cookie Ustawienia

Możesz zmienić swoje preferencje dotyczące plików cookie w dowolnym momencie, klikając powyższy przycisk. Umożliwi to ponowne odwiedzenie baneru zgody na pliki cookie i zmianę preferencji lub natychmiastowe wycofanie zgody. Oprócz tego, różne przeglądarki oferują różne metody blokowania i usuwania plików cookie używanych przez witryny internetowe. Możesz zmienić ustawienia swojej przeglądarki, aby zablokować lub usunąć pliki cookie. Poniżej znajdują się linki do dokumentów pomocy dotyczących zarządzania i usuwania plików cookie z głównych przeglądarek internetowych.




Internet Explorer:

Jeśli używasz innej przeglądarki internetowej, odwiedź oficjalną stronę pomocy technicznej swojej przeglądarki.


Consent to cookies.

During the first visit to the website you are shown information about the use of cookies along with a question about consent to the use of cookies. Further use of the site means that you agree to their use.

You can always change cookie settings from your browser or delete cookies at all. Remember, however, that disabling cookies may cause difficulties in using the website, as well as from many other websites that use cookies. 

Analysis and statistics.

 We use cookies to track website statistics, such as the number of visitors, the type of operating system and web browser used to browse the site, time spent on the website, visited subpages, etc. We use Google Analytics in this area, which involves the use of cookies by Google LLC. As part of the mechanism for managing cookie settings, you have the option of deciding whether we will be able to use marketing functions as part of Google Analytics or not.

We use the HotJar tool, which allows us to track your behavior on the website. For this purpose, HotJar cookies are used. As part of the cookie settings, you can decide whether you agree to our use of tracking using HotJar in your case or not.  


We use marketing tools, such as Facebook Pixel, to target you ads. This is related to the use of Facebook cookies. As part of the cookie settings, you can decide if you agree to use Pixel Facebook in your case or not.  

We use Google AdWords remarketing tools. This involves the use of Google LLC cookies for the Google AdWords service. As part of the cookie settings management mechanism, you have the option of deciding whether we will be able to use Google AdWords in your case or not. 

Social tools.

 We provide the opportunity to use social functions, such as sharing content on social networks and subscribing to a social profile. The use of these functions involves the use of cookies for social network administrators such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIN.

We embed the video from YouTube on the site. When you play such recordings, Google LLC cookies are used for the YouTube service. 


Server logs

Using the website involves sending queries to the server on which the page is stored. Each query addressed to the server is saved in the server logs. 

Logs include Your IP address, server date and time, information about the web browser and operating system you are using. Logs are saved and stored on the server. 

The data stored in the server logs are not associated with specific people using the site and are not used by us to identify you.

The server logs are only auxiliary material used to administer the site, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except those authorized to administer the server. 






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