Up to 60 selections vending over 300+ innovative, healthy and delicious products.
Double-glazed insulation and LED lighting for low energy consumption.
Modern, reliable, customer-friendly equipment with the latest in vending technology.
Credit card facilities accepting chip, swipe and contactless payment.
Ballarat Health Services has embraced healthier vending in regional Victoria, with Vendy’s healthy vending machines.
Healthy-choices guidelines vending machines brought to Victoria’s largest public health service by Vendy.
The first university in Victoria to introduce healthy vending machines aligned to the Victorian Government’s Healthy Choices guidelines.
We will meet with you to assess your requirements including what products are suitable for your organisation.
We provide you with a machine, set it up in a suitable location, stock it regularly and maintain it, all for free.
Our healthy vending service is completely free. Get in touch now and enjoy happy, healthy and productive community!